Centro Integration

Centro allows full control to Send and Update Formstack Documents in Slack from Salesforce.
Integration built by Formstack
Integration built by Zapier

Integration Overview

Partner Overview

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How It Works

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Centro + Formstack Documents gets eyes on documents faster than ever in Slack.

Centro provides native, no-code tools and automations your team needs to be more effective in Salesforce and Slack. Discover, organize, create, learn, and react in Salesforce and Slack. Founded in 2020 by Salesforce ISV veterans, Centro understands the depth and complexity of Salesforce and adapting to customer business processes is our passion.
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Integration Overview

Partner Overview

Use the integration to:

What You Need

How It Works

Use the integration to:

Review, update, and regenerate quotes, contracts, and more all in Slack with this integration.

1. Send Formstack Documents to Slack on-demand or automatically

2. Review and Approved Documents in Slack

3. Regenerate Formstack Documents based on changes in Salesforce

What you need:

  1. Formstack Documents for Salesforce
  2. Slack (free or paid plan)
  3. Salesforce Enterprise Edition or above
  4. Centro Salesforce and Slack Apps

How it works:

  1. Install and configure Centro in Slack and Salesforce
  2. Setup and customize Centro to send Formstack Documents to Slack based on your business processes
  3. Configure Salesforce Flows + Custom buttons to regenerate and post updated Formstack documents to Slack

Centro allows full control to Trigger Formstack Sign process from Slack.

Centro + Formstack Sign gets signatures on documents faster than ever in Slack. In combination with Formstack Documents, approvals on quotes, contracts, and more enables your team to work where they love: Slack.
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Integration Overview

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Partner Overview

Use the integration to:

What You Need

How It Works

Use the integration to:

  1. Send Formstack Sign requests to Slack on-demand or automatically
  2. Send signature requests via Salesforce
  3. Notify the team when signature is complete

What You Need:

  1. Formstack Sign (Formstack Documents highly recommended)
  2. Slack (free or paid plan)
  3. Salesforce Enterprise Edition or above
  4. Centro Salesforce and Slack Apps

How It Works:

  1. Install and configure Centro in Slack and Salesforce
  2. Setup and customize Centro to send Formstack Sign request to Slack based on your business processes
  3. Configure Salesforce Flows + Custom buttons to send the signature request
  4. Get updates in Slack instantly
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